When is the right time to start selling the Stock Market at all time highs?

Stock Market at All Time highs. We are witnessing the longest BULL rally in 100 years. Many economists say this is due to loose monetary policy. Quantitative Easing and now the introduction of Interest Rate Cuts being used to stimulate growth are a major cause of the stock market at to be at all time highs. Also an incredibly strong labor market in the United States is also a cause of this historic rally. With the U.S. at full employment.
US-China Trade Deal Phase one has been reached and this is another market positive. Some say it is just a political move in preparation for the US 2020 Presidential election. It will take some pressure off US farmers and middle Americans who are a large chunk of Trump’s political base. But world famous economist Mohamed El-Erian is slightly more pessimistic than the White House would have us believe. As you can read in this CNBC article.
It is difficult to use technical analysis in order to choose an entry point to sell the markets. As there is so much geopolitical and fundamental news to digest and analyse. The news headlines are coming in thick and fast. And sentiment is changing all the time.
How can Swap Hunter help you with this unpredictable scenario?
Carry Trading is the solution, but the way our software does it is unique. We do not just trade in one direction when using the Swap Hunter software. We hedge correlated assets and play the interest rates differentials of currencies in order to gain Swaps every day. We are hedging so we can lower the overall risk of the market. Our goal is to provide our clients with full support and education in order for them to generate more interest than the Banks.
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